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My family top 5 defining moments

This is your collection of defining moments.

Here you can feature your 5 top family defining moments from your collection and share them with family, friends, your teacher and the National Museum of Australia!

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About this event

My Family Defining Moment

Event Title

My defining moments collection

Use the 'pick' button to select which event you would like to place here in your top 5. Click on the events if you need to read them again. Upload new defining moments to your collection through your family defining moments timeline.

Delete Defining Moment

Are you sure you want to remove "{EVENT NAME}" from this frame?

How to use

This is your final collection of family defining moments.

Press the ‘Add’ button on the empty spots on the screen to choose an event to add to your top 5.

You can then share your top 5 defining moments with your teacher, friends or family via the share options.

Share my top 5 defining moments

You can share this link with your teachers and parents to allow them to view your activity. Remember to be e-safe before sharing with anyone else.

Make sure that you haven’t uploaded any information that you don’t want others to see. You should get your family’s permission to include information about them or their photos in your activity.

Or share via email: